I'm not really a brand/label snob. As long as the product is well-made and good-looking, I'll buy it. I'm always on the lookout for fun and unique items. One recent discovery is Icon shoes.
Icon shoes happen to be the first company to print the works of artists such as Warhol, Pollock, Gauguin etc. on shoes, handbags and accessories. They basically create wearable art. More information on stores and availibility can be found at their website.
When I heard about them, I thought it was a novel concept and was pretty excited to check them out. Their handbags are ok but after browsing through their shoe selection, I must say I am of two-minds. While there are a few exceptions, most of the styles look dated and not very appealing. But then again, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
So, do these appeal to you? Will you be willing to dish out upwards of USD$200 for a pair?
Icon shoes happen to be the first company to print the works of artists such as Warhol, Pollock, Gauguin etc. on shoes, handbags and accessories. They basically create wearable art. More information on stores and availibility can be found at their website.
When I heard about them, I thought it was a novel concept and was pretty excited to check them out. Their handbags are ok but after browsing through their shoe selection, I must say I am of two-minds. While there are a few exceptions, most of the styles look dated and not very appealing. But then again, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
So, do these appeal to you? Will you be willing to dish out upwards of USD$200 for a pair?

I actually like the black wedges. :)
Nope, not my taste, definitely not for that kind of mulah!
I like the flower on the black wedges, but the top looks pretty ugly. Honestly, I think if I saw someone wearing these, I'd think they'd just paid a trip to Payless. If you're going to spend that kind of money, you can get something way cuter!
I agree...the designs are not to my taste. Honestly, a lot of the shoes look like they'd be sold in the tiny little clothing section of some organic grocery store....not very stylish.
In a word, no
Hideous and gimicky
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